Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday 12/12/11

Imports System.Reflection

Module Module1

Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("***** Welcome to MyTypeViewer *****")
Dim typeName As String = String.Empty

Console.WriteLine("Enter a type name to evaluate")
Console.Write("or enter Q to quit: ")

'get name of type
typeName = Console.ReadLine()
'does user want to quit?
If typeName.ToUpper() = "Q" Then
Exit Do
End If

'try to display type
Dim t As Type = Type.GetType(typeName)
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine("Sorry, cant' find {0}.", typeName)
End Try
End Sub

Public Sub ListMethods(ByVal t As Type)
Console.WriteLine("***** Methods *****")
Dim mi As MethodInfo() = t.GetMethods()
For Each m As MethodInfo In mi
Dim retVal As String = m.ReturnType.FullName()
Dim paramInfo As String = "( "
For Each pu As ParameterInfo In m.GetParameters()
paramInfo &= String.Format("{0} {1} ", pu.ParameterType, pu.Name)
paramInfo &= " )"
Console.WriteLine("->{0} {1} {2}", retVal, m.Name, paramInfo)

End Sub
'display field names of type
Public Sub ListFields(ByVal t As Type)
Console.WriteLine("***** Field *****")
Dim fi As FieldInfo() = t.GetFields()
For Each field As FieldInfo In fi
Console.WriteLine("->{0}", field.Name)
End Sub

'display property names of type
Public Sub ListProps(ByVal t As Type)
Console.WriteLine("***** Properties *****")
Dim pi As PropertyInfo() = t.GetProperties()
For Each prop As PropertyInfo In pi
Console.WriteLine("->{0}", prop.Name)
End Sub

'print out th enames of any interfaces
'supported on the incoming type
Public Sub ListInterfaces(ByVal t As Type)
Console.WriteLine("***** Interfaces *****")
Dim ifaces As Type() = t.GetInterfaces()
For Each i As Type In ifaces
Console.WriteLine("->{0}", i.Name)
End Sub

Public Sub ListVariousStats(ByVal t As Type)
Console.WriteLine("***** Various Statistics *****")
Console.WriteLine("Base class is: {0}", t.BaseType)
Console.WriteLine("Is type abstract? {0}", t.IsAbstract)
Console.WriteLine("Is type sealed? {0}", t.IsSealed)
Console.WriteLine("Is type generic? {0}", t.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
Console.WriteLine("Is type a class type? {0}", t.IsClass)
End Sub
End Module

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday 11.08.11

Module Module1

Sub Main()
'show banner
'Get user's name and say howdy
End Sub

Sub DisplayBanner()
'Get the current color of the console text
Dim currColor As ConsoleColor = Console.ForegroundColor

'set text color to yellow
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow
Console.WriteLine("***** Welcome to FunWithModules *****")
Console.WriteLine("This simple program illustrates the role")
Console.WriteLine("of the Module type.")

'reset the previous color of your console text.
Console.ForegroundColor = currColor
End Sub

Sub GreetUser()
Dim userName As String
Console.Write("Please enter your name: ")
userName = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Hello there {0}. Nice to meet ya.", userName)
End Sub
End Module

Public Class Program

Shared Function Main(ByVal args As String()) As Integer
'OS running this app?
Console.WriteLine("Current OS: {0}", Environment.OSVersion)

'List the drives on this machine.
Dim drives As String() = Environment.GetLogicalDrives()
Dim d As String
For Each d In drives
Console.WriteLine("You have a drive named {0}.", d)

'Which version of the .NET platform is running this app?
Console.WriteLine("Executing version of .NET: {0}", Environment.Version)
Return 0

End Function

End Class

Module Module1

Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("***** Fun With Data Types *****")
Console.WriteLine("Max of Integer: {0}", Integer.MaxValue)
Console.WriteLine("Min of Integer: {0}", Integer.MinValue)
Console.WriteLine("Max of Double: {0}", Double.MaxValue)
Console.WriteLine("Min of Double: {0}", Double.MinValue)
Console.WriteLine("Boolean.FalseString: {0}", Boolean.FalseString)
Console.WriteLine("Boolean.TrueString: {0}", Boolean.TrueString)

End Sub

End Module

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday 11.4.11

Imports System.Web.Configuration
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data

Partial Class listDataBinding
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If (Not Page.IsPostBack) Then
'create the Command and the Connection
Dim connectionString As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Northwind").ConnectionString
Dim sql As String = "SELECT EmployeeID, TitleOfCourtesy + ' ' + FirstName + ' ' + LastName As FullName FROM Employees"
Dim con As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sql, con)

'Open the connection and get the data reader
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
'Bind the DataReader to the list
lstNames.DataSource = reader

Catch ex As Exception
'close the connection
End Try
End If
End Sub

Protected Sub cmdGetSelection_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdGetSelection.Click
Result.Text &= "Selected Employees:"
For Each li As ListItem In lstNames.Items
If li.Selected Then
Result.Text &= String.Format("
  • ({0}) {1}
  • ", li.Value, li.Text)
    End If
    End Sub
    End Class

    Friday, October 14, 2011

    Friday 10.14.11

    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;

    namespace RetrieveSingleValueFromQuery
    class Program
    //the ExecuteScalar() method of the Command object returns a single value from the dta soruce rather than a collection of records as
    //a table or data stream
    static void Main(string[] args)
    string sqlConnectString = @"Data Source=Alfred-PC\SQLExpress; Integrated security=SSPI; Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;";

    string sqlSelect = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person.Contact";

    SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(sqlConnectString);

    //create the scalar command and open the connection
    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlSelect, connection);

    //execute the scalar SQl statement and store resuts.
    int count = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar());

    Console.WriteLine("Record count in Person.Contact = {0}", count);


    Monday, October 18, 2010

    On Teen Suicide

    Listen up, kids: Making life-altering decisions based on things that happened (or are happening) to you in high school is ridiculous. The ultimate example of this is suicide. Chances are that whatever is making you so miserable is not as awful and certainly not as insurmountable as you're making it inside your head. If you're in a place where people are treating you badly, try moving somewhere else. Whatever problems you are facing, I guarantee that living in the wrong sort of place will compound them immensely.

    Up until now you've had to live wherever your parents took you, but guess what? Now you can go anywhere. Not only can you go anywhere in this large, beautiful and varied country of ours, but since you are in possession of a US passport, you can also pretty much go wherever in the world you would like to. If it's a choice between doing yourself in and getting on a bus and taking a chance in some new city, take the chance. What's the worst that could happen? You can't get any more unhappy that you are already, and you've already decided that you're willing to die, so you have nothing to lose. You are free. Why relinquish that?

    Saturday, September 25, 2010

    Saturday, September 25th 2010

    APOLLO'S KARATE preserves the ass-kicking ethos of 1980's America.